But with that, I have a great memory that will never go away of my Grandmother getting this for me in that because she passed away back in 2016.
(And little note, I still have that game and sometimes I still play it as there is a lot of thinking involved plus Math).
They are that hard!!! Anyway, the video attached, I found while searching YouTube is showing what the intro was and also what a level of the game is like. When I heard this song totally made me think of the soundtrack from the PC Computer Game I used to play called 3D Ultra Lionel Traintown Deluxe. OH,you need to go into the discs files,and click on the folder with the game in it,it will run then Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. And to tell you the truth, the last 2 levels I still have yet to complete. And to this day, I still do play it certain times. The title of this sound effect shouldn’t be confused with COW - SINGLE COW MOO, ANIMAL 02 due to being similar. A similar and shorter version of this sample, 01, can also be found on the same library.
And I have to show this in the photos, that their in the photos is the same exact jewel case, cover and CD disc that my Mom & Grandmother got me. Template:SFXInfo This sound effect can be found on The General Series 6000 Sound Effects Library, which was made by Sound Ideas. Well anyway, now is 2021!!! That's 21 years ago already!!! Now I'm 29, going on 30 this year. It was a fun game to play at the time for the beginner levels, but it got very hard as the levels go on. The title of this sound effect shouldn’t be confused with Sound Ideas, COW - SINGLE COW MOO, ANIMAL 02 due to being similar. A similar and shorter version of this sample, Sound Ideas, COW - SINGLE MOO, ANIMAL 01, can also be found on the same library. When I got to their house later that day, I was so excited to get it installed and play it. This sound effect can be found on The General Series 6000 Sound Effects Library, which was made by Sound Ideas. This 'Deluxe' release enhances the previous game by adding 50 new missions and a new track creation system. Well my mother & grandmother bought the game for me that day. 3-D Ultra Lionel Train Town Deluxe is a stand-alone reissue of 3D Ultra Train Town, which was voted '2000 Family Game of the Year' by the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences. And at that time my Grandparents had a computer, with which I used not much but I did have a couple other train games I did play because I love trains. Already Over 20 Years Old - 3D Ultra Lionel TrainTown Deluxe. I have never ever gotten this far in to the game in order to reach this level. Well while at the store, on an end cap was this PC Computer Game. And the final level of this game is this in the video. Back in 2000, I went with my family one day to Best Buy. Whether you're trying to attain blue ribbons for jobs done in record times or simply exploring the varied worlds and moving famous landmarks from place to place (the Statue of Liberty in the frozen wastelands?), 3-D Ultra TrainTown is designed for model train fans of all ages.Amazing how times flies. Game options include adjustable detail, music, sound and voice levels. Conventional railroad management includes signal flags and semaphores for controlling automatic railroad traffic at crossings and other locations such as drawbridges and switchovers, speed management, fuel, coupling and uncoupling cars to achieve maximum efficiency on specific runs and using the whistle to keep the track clear of wandering creatures. Some jobs require laying track (nearly two dozen sectional types) and bulldozing unwanted track. Both passenger and cargo loads must be continuously picked up, transported and delivered to their proper destinations, indicated by yellow and black striped loading zones throughout the worlds. More than 50 types of loads can be accommodated on the various cars ranging from animals and people to automobiles and industrial products.
Once past the tutorials, you're on your own and must complete all tasks using logic and learned skills.ģ-D Ultra TrainTown features 13 types of railroad cars, three engines, a caboose and steam tender. All codes Note:In order for these to work, you need the 1.1 patch found at :/downloads.html Any job completed with a cheat will only receive a check mark-no blue ribbons. There are five tutorials (introductory level jobs) in which a narrator explains specific aspects of the game such as fixing hazards, laying track, signals, loads and deliveries and basic guidelines.

In between, you'll be promoted to progressively more skillful levels of Hobo Bouncer, Grease Monkey and Fire Stoker in 3-D Ultra TrainTown from Sierra Attractions.Īs the promotions occur, jobs get more difficult and complex.
You'll need both (as the manual states) to work your way up from a lowly Caboose Washer (easy level) to expert Whistle Blower status as you complete more than 70 assignments in seven unique worlds.